Comments or Complaints
Complaints Policy September 2024
It is in everyone’s interest that concerns and complaints are resolved at the earliest possible stage. Many issues can be resolved informally, without the need to use the formal stages of the complaints procedure. We take concerns seriously and will make every effort to resolve the matter as quickly as possible.
Concerns should first be raised first with the class teacher or individual member of staff. If the issue remains unresolved, you should contact the Headteacher through the school office. Should the issue continue to be unresolved after this, then the next step would be to make a formal complaint.
Concerns or complaints that involve or are about the Headteacher should be addressed to Mr Stephen Kimber (the Chair of Governors), via the school office. Please mark them as Private and Confidential.
Please note that we will not normally investigate anonymous complaints. However, the Headteacher or Chair of Governors, if appropriate, will determine whether the complaint warrants an investigation.
Please use the link above to view our full policy and procedure.