Emerald 1 Class (Year 2)

Welcome to Emerald 1! The children have settled in well and have made a fantastic start to Year 2! They have been busy learning new routines and trying their best in all lessons. 

In English, our writing has been based on the book 'The Journey Home,' We have been learning about endangered animals and the reasons why they are at risk. 

The children have really enjoyed our Forest School sessions. We have played with the mud kitchen, gone bug hunting and built amazing dens! 

We have recently celebrated anti-bullying week where we focused on respect. We all wrote a positive thought/behaviour on a hand or what we can do to be helpful to others. We used our hands to create a class wreath. We all wore off socks to celebrate individuality and what makes us unique! 

In English we have been reading Goldilocks and the three bears. We have been using interesting adjectives from the book to create WANTED posters. 


In DT we have been learning about moving monsters. We started our learning by looking at how different toys and objects move. We then made our own linkages with strong card and split pins. We thoroughly enjoyed designing and making our moving monsters and were really excited to take them home!


In gymnastics we have been learning to move with control. We can now climb safely on the equipment and balance in high and low positions.