Friday 27th March parent carer update

Good afternoon everyone.

There have not been any children at school again today, so things continue to be rather strange here. We are expecting just a few children of key workers to be attending next week and we are available to care for them as and when they need us. 

I hope that you are all keeping safe and healthy at home. I have been interested to watch the many videos and clips showing what families are doing to keep occupied and entertain the children. People are so imaginative! I'm hoping that you still have plenty of resources from us to occupy the children at the moment. Feel free to email any pictures to and Lisa Bird will forward them to teachers, so that they can see what the children are doing and they may be able to post them on the class webpage. More progress has been made with Google Classroom today, so that will be a good way to share these pictures etc once it is up and running next week.

The provision of free school meals vouchers has been arranged today for the families who are eligible to receive these. We hope that the Government scheme will finally be sorted out by next week, but don't have any more news yet.

We will be continuing to look after our key workers' children next week and the next job will be to organise how we will continue this over the Easter 'holiday'. 

It feels very odd to say, have a nice weekend, as things will definitely be far from normal. However, I do hope that you are able to relax a little over the weekend and that you all keep well.

Best wishes, Geraldine Denham-Hale