Tuesday 24 March Update
I hope that you are all well and adjusting to the new situation that we find ourselves in. It all feels very strange here at St Mary's. We had just seven children in school this morning and this reduced to five in the afternoon.
I am planning to be at school every day for the next two weeks and we have a rota of staff who will be here on different days, to look after the children of critical workers who need this emergency care in order to keep fighting the battle against COVID-19.
I really want to take a moment again to thank you all for your support recently. I was overwhelmed by the emails and messages of support and thanks that I received at the end of last week and I have put them all on the staffroom noticeboard. We can take it in turns to go in and have a look at them. (2 metres apart of course!)
It's also a good time to say a huge thank you to my staff team here at school. I couldn't have wished for a better team of people to keep calm, carry on and help the children through the past few weeks. The journey is really just beginning for all of us, but I know I can count on every one of the St Mary's team to work alongside me in the weeks ahead to look after the children who need to be here and work behind the scenes at home to keep the learning going. This will help the children to be ready for their return to school, when that day eventually arrives.
We did try to set up some email contacts yesterday, but it all went rather wrong! Mr Anderson seemed to receive everyone's replies! We are now setting up Google Classroom and hope that we can send your user names etc home over the next week, so that the teachers will be able to message you directly and set tasks up on there. This will also allow you to post pictures etc for the teachers to see. In the meantime, if you have any problems or queries you can always email the admin@st-marys-burnham.essex.sch.uk address and Lisa Bird will forward the emails to teachers.
Look after yourselves everyone and I will keep in touch.
Best wishes Geraldine Denham-Hale