Paddlers – PTFA

Welcome to the Paddlers' Page


We are the Parent Teacher & Friends Association of St Mary’s, we are better known around the school as “The Paddlers”.  We are a group of mums, dads and carers from the school who work together to run events. 

We are a registered charity who run events for both parents/carers and children to raise funds to help support the school to improve equipment and resources to enhance the children’s learning and the facilities within the school.

We hold many different events throughout the year such as children’s discos, cake sales, quiz nights and murder mystery nights.  We have a Christmas Bazaar each year and also a Summer Fete.

Over the years we have purchased many great things for the children of St Mary's School including outside play equipment, IT resources, gym equipment, phonics learning resources, new books for the library, swimming equipment and we also created the school’s Spiritual Garden. Have a look at the slideshow below to see some of the resources that the Paddlers have helped to purchase for the school.

If you wish to contact us, we have a box in the school foyer and also a post box outside Ruby Class.